ac - Painting Interiors With Watercolor - Tuesday Morning Class - October 15th through November 19th, 9:30 to 12:00


Aloha friends,

I'm excited about this class! I've always loved painting interior spaces. They're like personal time capsules. 

Please don't be intimidated by the word "perspective". I promise you can do this! This class is appropriate for creatives of all levels of experience, including beginners. I've developed a simplified version of linear perspective that I've taught for years, with great success. It will help you depict those intimate subjects...that corner of the room that always catches your eye; the view out of a window in the morning light; etc. I will explain the techniques step-by-step so that you can follow along easily. 

My hope is to re-think painting interior scenes with the premise that everyone, no matter their experience, can grow in confidence and ability. We will be working from photo references I will provide. And you may bring your own photographs.

The class will meet six Tuesday mornings from 9:30 to 12:00 at the Lihue Public Library conference room, starting on October 15th and continuing through November 19th. Space is limited and enrollment will be on a first-come-first-served basis. Your space will be reserved upon receipt of your tuition payment.

Students will bring their own art materials. I will send you a suggested supply list when you enroll. The conference room is comfortable and has a sink, air conditioning, wi-fi and ample parking.

Some of the topics we will cover will be: 

  • How to creatively interpret a photograph, using photos references of room interiors I will provide... or using your own personal photographs. (I will advise you on how to take these.)
  • How to improve your drawing and observational skills, while developing your own handwriting.
  • How to use a simplified version of linear perspective, so you can paint the room interiors and furnishings.
  • How to interpret color expressively, using a "split primary" palette.
  • How to honor and develop your own personal style.
  • How to learn from art history by exploring masterworks.

You can sign up on my website: For more information, call or text me at (808) 635-1316.  

Please contact me if you have any concerns or questions. I hope you can join us. 



(808) 635-1316

email -

Instagram - @pennynicholslihue